Gateway set-up


3) Provide the required details

In the Representative section, specify the individuals authorised to act in your name and on your behalf. If you are a sole trader, this section is not displayed. If you are a body corporate, specify the individuals authorised to represent you in all matters and act in your name and on your behalf as recorded in the Commercial Register – that is, if you are, for instance, a limited liability company with two directors recorded in the Commercial Register as authorised to represent it in all matters and act in the name and on behalf of it jointly, you need to provide the details of both directors.

If you are to have access to ThePay in the future, tick the option Set as authorised user. You will be registered in the system as a user with passive access, that is, as a user with defined rights to ThePay. Users with passive access may view the status of ThePay accounts or download accounting reports but are not given access to edit bank accounts and perform money transactions. Users with passive access may gain active access after they follow several verification steps and their ThePay profile settings are modified

Beneficial owner is the individual(s) who, de facto or de iure, exercises significant influence over the body corporate, trust or legal arrangement, whether directly or indirectly; it is the individual(s) who must be registered by you in the Register of Beneficial Owners. Details provided regarding the beneficial owner must be true and correct and the grounds for believing that the individual(s) is the beneficial owner must be specified. In the case of bodies corporate (limited liability companies, joint-stock companies), the grounds are the fact that the individual(s) owns 25 % or more of the voting rights in the body corporate, whether alone or jointly with any other person(s), or has or holds a share or ownership interest of 25 % or more in the body corporate, or exercises control over the entity mentioned in the first sentence, whether alone or jointly with any other person(s), or has a profit share of 25 % or more in the body corporate.

Confirm that neither you nor the beneficial owner is a politically exposed person or listed under Czech legislation, namely the Internal Sanctions Act, as being subject to international sanction. Even if one of the above is not true, our internal policy does not allow us to enter into a business relationship with you. Likewise, you should not be on sanctions lists issued by the EU, FATF, Czech Ministry of Finance, UN, etc.

Finally, specify the purpose and nature of the business relationship that best describes the reality. For instance, selling toys online.

Read also:


5) Welcome!

Here we go. At this point, you should now be logged in ThePay. You can navigate through the menu freely and, most importantly, use a variety of services. What about starting with our marvellous payment gateway?

Read also:

Pre-set-up steps
Gateway set-up

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