

We know how important it is to you that the services provided by us are smooth and secure. We protect anything we can: your money, our money, data, information, personal information... anything we come into contact with. That is why we have in place processes that allow us to identify, name and mitigate risks that could compromise security.

Here is a list of miscellaneous tasks that we must attend to. Each task is associated with a number of facts, processes, skills and expertise which together form a comprehensive scheme of security measures providing for:

  • proper and prudent handling of electronic money
  • effective and efficient control and management
  • safeguarding
  • effective and efficient safety and operational risk management
  • secure system architecture and design
  • privacy
  • compliance with AML/CFT requirements
  • compliance with guidelines, laws and regulations
  • appropriate organisational structure
  • functional business strategy
  • sufficient capital for our operations
  • appropriate HR management, fair remuneration and benefits, and process controls
  • and, finally, transparent, clear and accurate communication with you, our customers.

Read also:

Protection and guarantee
Secure payments
Systems security
AML rules

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